DISCLAIMER: I have absolutely nothing to do with people from Primo. I have never met any of them and I have no financial reason to write about their product. But I can't help it because it is awesome!
This is a thing that actually jumpstarted my interest in microprocessors. A while ago (more than a year), there was a
Kickstarter campaign for something called Primo (you can find all about it
Being a proud physicist father (that loves programming), and having a lovely and supportive physicist wife (that also loves programming), I (we) embarked on a journey to make this thing. At the time, it was still unavailable, and even if you preordered, delivery time was estimated a year from then.
They provided a reasonably well documented DIY guide (you can still find it
here) so it seemed like a reasonable little project. And it probably could have been...if I could make myself to stick to their instructions.